Order online or call us anytime on 09 216 5875. Visit at 23 Customs St East, Auckland CBD, behind Citibank building inside Snickel Lane.

Christmas Hours & Delivery Schedules

Please note the shop phone diverts to Amanda's mobile so you can always call to find out more details if you are unsure about anything. Basically for the first 3 weeks of 2024 we will be operating out of the Snickel Lane shops. Phone, emails and website orders for all stores will be answered / processed from there. (Snickel Lane, 23 Customs St East)

NEW YEARS EVE (30th December 2023 - 2nd January 2024)

  • We will be closed for this period in all 3 stores


We will be operating out of the Snickel Lane store.
City Jungle will reopen on the 15th January in the new location on Fort Lane.

Note: Victoria Park Flowers will be physically closed until the 22nd January 2024. All orders will be processed at Snickel Lane.